Whole30 – Week 4

Well if we were really doing 30 days of the whole 30 we’d be within a week of completion…. but alas we are not. It is for the duration of Lent… that’s probably a good thing as with day 22 passed us by yesterday, I’m still craving chocolate, sugar, and wow…. haven’t had one in over 8 years but I really wanted a Pepsi the other day! LOL…. haven’t given in to that one in over 8 years so I think I’m pretty safe but I can understand better when people say they still crave a cigarette sometimes even after years of quitting.

We are still making our way through this thing.  My husband’s clothes are loser, my youngest son doesn’t even ask for processed snacks or yogurt anymore, my older son doesn’t have as many moments of irritability (he wouldn’t admit that I’m sure) and me…. well… I feel I’m handling stress better and my clothes might fit a little differently though weight was not and will not be a goal for me.  Despite a week FULL of stress I did not cave in to yelling or eating the bucketful of chocolate I so desperately wanted – which should tell us that it’s NOT an actual NECESSARY coping method….  desired, yes….but not necessary.

I still haven’t done well with exercise goals.  I pick up the 3 lb. weights once in awhile…have done a few modified pushups…but that’s about it.  We will be going away at the end of the week and I am telling myself I will start back up on the bike and treadmill after that.  My husband has started working out again though and I am thrilled with that!  🙂

Week 4 Menu:


Breakfast:   Scrambled Eggs with ham, mixed vegetables and chicken broth (to drink), guacamole

Lunch: As Always, Each day is Leftovers or Fried Eggs

Supper:  Shepard’s Pie (wonderful recipe from Well Fed!), Paleo Creamed Spinach, Salad with dressing, chicken broth


Breakfast: Sausage Quiche with Sweet Potato Crust, guacamole, Chicken Broth (to Drink)

Supper: Leftovers (I need to make sure the fridge is clean when we leave for the weekend!)


Breakfast:  Sausage Quiche with Sweet Potato Crust(I’m making a double batch on Tuesday), guacamole, Chicken Broth (to Drink)

Supper: Cauliflower Soup w/ shrimp and broccoli


Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, ham, veggies and chicken broth

The Rest of The Week:    We will be at the 2014 St. Emmelia Homeschool Conference….   This will be a little tricky since the rest of the crowd will be following the traditional Orthodox Lenten fast and we can not cook in our rooms… soooo

We have spoken to the chef.  He is very willing to provide us with at least baked sweet potatoes and/or steamed vegetables for most meals and there is usually always a salad and fruit.  The chef is also willing to heat up some soups that I’m going to take with us (Seafood Chowder, Sweet Sausage Soup and Paleo Chili which I made double batches of the last time they were on the menu and stuck them in the freezer to take with us for the conference).  We will also have LOTS of snack type foods in a cooler or a fridge if we can get access:  guacamole, olives, applesauce (unsweetened), hard-boiled eggs, fruit, RX Bars, Primal Pacs, etc.   We will eat our veggies, etc. in the dining hall with other families and the chef will put our soups in thermoses for us to eat later in our rooms.  It wouldn’t be cool to eat our meat soups in front of other families who are fasting from meat.

I bet you’ve noticed I’ve included a lot of chicken broth above.  I’ve made my own chicken broth for years, but I’m making it more often now and we’ve been drinking it. (It’s delicious by the way).  I’ve been reading a lot about how good and nutritious chicken broth made from the bones really is – even for healthy teeth – that I’ve started having it on the stove or in the crock pot almost daily now.

So….  I thought I’d include a recipe here for chicken broth.  Note the variations…every batch is a little different!

Homemade Chicken Broth

  • Servings: 2-4 quarts
  • Difficulty: medium
  • Print

  • 1 Chicken Carcass   OR  at least 24 or more chicken leg bones along with any extra fat, organ meat, etc. that is available (you can use it immediately after roasting a chicken or put the carcass in the freezer to save until a day you have time to make broth!)
  • 1-2 yellow onions OR 1-2 cups leeks
  • 3-4 stalks celery with leaves
  • 1-3 carrots
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar (this helps leach the minerals out of the bones but does NOT affect the flavor)
  • basil (to taste)
  • parsley (to taste)
  • Chicken seasoning (to taste) – this is just seasoning I use on chicken when baking , etc and is completely optional
  • Salt and Pepper (to taste)

Directions:   Put bones in large stockpot OR crock pot  .  Fill pot with water and add other ingredients.  I always put in onions or leeks and celery.  Other veggies are optional.  Play around with what you have on hand.  Play around with the amounts to see what you like.  Bring the pot to a boil.  Turn heat down to simmer.  Let simmer for a minimum of 12 hours (sometimes I get some to drink after 6-8 hours, but if I’m going to freeze it for later I wait until at least 12 hours.  Other sources recommend simmering for 24+ hours).  I usually let it simmer all day, turn it off at night and bring it to a boil and let it simmer several hours the next day.  If it’s in the crock pot, one can do a perpetual broth.  Simply take out up to a quart a day, add another quart of water and proceed the same way for up to a week.  It’s so incredibly easy!   ENJOY!



About orthodoxmom3

I am an Orthodox Christian wife and a mother of three that is loving the life God has given me. I wear many, many hats in this life including Christian, wife, mother, reader, writer, teacher, homeschool advocate, cook and so many more. I love to write about my faith, positive mindset, gratitude, homeschooling and more. See my About Page for more information and follow The Many Hats of an Orthodox Mom @Orthodoxmom3.wordpress.com.
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4 Responses to Whole30 – Week 4

  1. Julie Thompson says:

    Wow~ Good for you guys! Brian and I have been doing a Whole30. We are on day 9. He is doing quite well with it. For some reason I am not sold out this time. I have been having little bits of sugar here and there…I know shame, shame. My motive for doing it this time is more to support him in doing it. Anyway, he is doing well with it. We will need to reintroduce foods carefully for him. I think he has an issue with dairy, corn or gluten. I’m betting on the gluten. He feels so much better he is ready to go gluten free if that is what is best. And with me already being gluten free, it wouldn’t be that hard.
    I also applaud the idea that your whole family is doing it! Awesome! Did Thea join in while she was home?
    We are going away next weekend to a wrestling tournament and I thought it might be a challenge. Your trip away with the whole family makes our overnight seem easy.
    Did you find ham and sausage that were whole30 complient? The sweet potato crust sounds good! Where did you find that recipe? We have become a big fan of sweet potato fries! mmmm!
    Thanks for sharing all of this!

    • orthodoxmom3 says:

      Well I’d say if you are still cutting a lot of these unhealthy products from your body then good for you anyway! And doing it to support your husband is a wonderful reason too – truth be told – that’s a lot if not most of my own motivation! I am positive that I have an even bigger issue with dairy than I thought or it might be gluten… but something is a suspect as I’ve had some ‘issues’ clear up that have not entirely gone away ever before….so….we’ll see!
      Thea didn’t exactly join in 100%…. but she wasn’t allowed to bring anything into the house that was anti whole30 and she ate her main meals with us…but she did have her latte’s and snacks, etc. when out somewhere else…. oh, well…. what can you do with only a week?
      There is Ham at Wegman’s! They will cut it in thick slices at the deli if you ask. Fresh Life had bacon too but no longer carry it 😦 I make my own ‘sausage’ with ground beef or ground pork and a seasoning mix I make up following a recipe from the WellFed cookbook! I LOVE that cookbook! The recipe for the quiche is in the Against All Grain cookbook by Danielle Walker. 🙂
      I haven’t made sweet potato fries in forever. How do you make yours? I think I used to just cut them up and dollop coconut oil all over them and bake them…. is that what you do?
      You’re welcome! Thanks so much for stopping by to read and comment!

  2. Deidre says:

    We will be putting several chickens in the freezer soon that will be raising ourselves. I don’t know why, but when I know the animal I like to make sure nothing is wasted. It feels wrong to do otherwise. Point being I had no idea you could make stock with bones. In hindsight, I really should have. Thank you.

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