My computer and printer don’t like each other OR Query Letter Anxiety Day #2

So I’m sitting here biting my lips…. a horrible habit of mine.  It’s stress I suppose…..  though sometimes I just do it whether I’m consciously aware of stress or not… and I’m not usually aware that I’m biting until it’s called to my attention by my dear husband or children.  Sigh.

I’m reading comments about this letter and reading more sources on how to write a good query letter.  I’m also trying to print out those sources but apparently my computer and printer had a fight and aren’t speaking.  😦   They let me print out the comments from SCBWI and 12 x 12 but won’t let me print the blog posts I just found on The Query Letter by Kathy Temean.  I like to have certain things printed out so I can more easily spread these things out in front of me and go back and forth as I use things as references….   I suppose that’s what all the windows are for on the computer, right?  Yeah, well, as much as I blog here, I am still what they call technology challenged.  I can not seem to manage going back and forth between windows.  😦   Plus, the internet seems extra slow today….probably due to the weather here.

Ah well……  I shall persevere.  My silent writing time will probably end soon so I shall make this post brief….include a link to that wonderful source on writing query letters above (it’s a site someone recommended on 12 X 12 and is actually her first of several posts on the topic) and attempt once more to edit and rewrite this letter!  Someone pray for me….oh, and send chocolate….  😉

About orthodoxmom3

I am an Orthodox Christian wife and a mother of three that is loving the life God has given me. I wear many, many hats in this life including Christian, wife, mother, reader, writer, teacher, homeschool advocate, cook and so many more. I love to write about my faith, positive mindset, gratitude, homeschooling and more. See my About Page for more information and follow The Many Hats of an Orthodox Mom
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3 Responses to My computer and printer don’t like each other OR Query Letter Anxiety Day #2

  1. Kathy Temean says:

    Did you try copying the text and pasting it into a Word document? Maybe your printer would accept it if you did that. Hope that helps.

    • orthodoxmom3 says:

      Oh, thank you Kathy! I’ll give it a try. It usually works but the printer got unplugged and I think I need to reload the program again. Something similar happened before. But this should be a good solution until all is fixed.

  2. Pingback: Writing Processes: A Blog Hop! | orthodoxmom3

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