A New Introduction

I’ve enjoying my time here back on the blog. I’m trying to strike a balance between getting on here enough and writing too much. The writer in me would like to write/blog every day. But of course there are other things in life…wifing (I believe that’s my own made up word) mothering, homeschooling, laundry, family, friends, cooking, and all those other things.

In beginning to blog again, I’ve looked back at posts from years past. I started blogging in 2012 when my youngest was just two years old. I wondered whether I should keep those posts. They are so outdated. But it’s sort of fun to go back and see how I started. So I think I’ve decided to keep them but I also thought it may be fun to go back and ‘revise’ some of them.

Photo by Ann H on Pexels.com

Back on March 17th 2012, I titled my third post “Introduction”. It was 4 very short paragraphs. If you want to see, here’s the link. But I thought it might be fun to just sort of ‘redo’ that introduction, keeping it short but a bit more detailed than the first (and updated of course).


Well, I’m not as new here as I was then but sometimes I still have no idea where to begin. Yet sometimes I have a million ideas and just don’t know which ones to go with. But for today’s post, I’ll just stick with those two very important things to me that I wrote about in the 2012 introduction: my faith (Orthodox Christianity) and homeschooling.

I converted to Orthodoxy approximately 17 years ago. It is still by far the most important decision I have ever made in my life. Orthodoxy has changed my life, all for the better. I thank my husband (a cradle Orthodox man) for leading me there though I certainly did make that challenge difficult. I have always been a Christian, but I was born into a Roman Catholic family and followed that faith from a fairly young age to only a year or two before converting to Orthodoxy. I was married in the Orthodox church – but only, I will admit, out of convenience at the time as we rushed the ‘engagement’ and decided to get married in ’92 instead of ’93 before my husband started medical school in Iowa. Looking back I am lavished in the gratitude that things fell into place that way.

Homeschooling fell into place too. I taught for about 12 years before deciding on an ‘early retirement’ as the ‘politics’ or ‘policies’ of education were wearing me down and I was saddened that I felt I spent more time planning for substitutes and meetings than I did in my special education classroom with the kids I adored. But there I was at home when things in the public schools were not working well for my own kids and I was able to take them home and introduce them to new ways of learning. New ways of learning have followed us through the years to the point that now with my third child we are following more of an ‘unschooling’ approach. I still wish I had homeschooled from the beginning. Now I wish I had had a more relaxed approach to it from the beginning as well.

Well, there it is- a revision of the first brief introduction from 2012. I’d love if you would share a little introduction of yourself below!

About orthodoxmom3

I am an Orthodox Christian wife and a mother of three that is loving the life God has given me. I wear many, many hats in this life including Christian, wife, mother, reader, writer, teacher, homeschool advocate, cook and so many more. I love to write about my faith, positive mindset, gratitude, homeschooling and more. See my About Page for more information and follow The Many Hats of an Orthodox Mom @Orthodoxmom3.wordpress.com.
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8 Responses to A New Introduction

  1. Katja_137 says:

    Hi! 🙂 I know we’ve been communicating back and forth a little bit already, but here goes… I’m Katja, I am a convert to Orthodox Christianity, having been baptized into it 20 years ago in a parish of the Moscow Patriarchate in Munich, Germany. Very crazy for an American, yes? I’m the mom to five, and for the past 9 years or so would just like a couple of weeks (at least) to “catch up” on sleep. I’ve been a “blogger” since 2001, though the experience then was a lot different – that first platform was my connection to English-language Orthodoxy while I was in Germany, and I also ended up meeting something like 30 people (in four countries) off of it. I’ve started “Breath of Hallelujah” to see if there’s any chance of making some money doing something I really like to do & which might help keep me at home with my kids in the face of some very challenging stuff. I like music and photography; reading, writing, and thinking; biking, travelling, languages, history; all sorts of stuff. I homeschooled for about 4 years, and the situation became untenable, but that’s related to what’s going on above. I’m Midwestern to the core, and find it funny that in other places (Germany, Russia) people see it as “exotic”. *L* I grew up in Chicago, and as much as I loved many opportunities I had because of that – particularly in the high school and “fledgling adult” years – I hardly even want to go back to visit now. I have kind of kept track of a lot of the Orthodox communities online for ages and ages – I’m the primary author of the OrthodoxWiki “Orthodox Blogs” page, so I know a lot about the Orthodox Blogosphere (though the page is in desperate need of an update). Of all Orthodox saints, I probably feel closest to St. Alexander (Schmorell) of Munich, and he has played an integral role in my story into and in the Orthodox Church.

    • orthodoxmom3 says:

      We were away on spontaneous vacation and somehow I missed this completely. Blogging on my phone is not a match for me. I guess we are both converts for about the same amount of time! Hope I can hear more about how an America converted in Germany someday…that has to be an interesting story! I converted in York, Pennsylvania though in an Antiochian church while my husband was the Russian cradle man. We did get married in the Orthodox Church about ten years before that though- just took me a loooonnng time to make that leap. Oh my goodness…we just explored a LOT of the Midwest on this trip. We started here in PA and drove all the way to about an hour inside the Texas border, making a few stops in between, then up through OK, MS, KS, IA, MN and then Wisconsin, stopped at the Shedd Aquarium on the way home, experienced an hour of snow in Michigan and then headed back home…all in ten days. I’m tired. LOL. My original intentions were to try to make money on the blog. I did switch to a paid version of WordPress years ago, but yeah, homeschooling 3 kids including our surprise 3rd child who was then a baby/toddler. Needless to say blogging fell away. So here I am again, back to the free page but I hope once I build up followers to switch to a paid subscription so I can use affiliates and perhaps make some things to offer and bring in a little income for our family. We’ll see. Right now I’m just glad to finally work some time in my schedule to let me write again. It’s been so nice conversing with you and getting to know another Orthodox blogger! We do seem to have a number of commonalities.

  2. I like your new introduction. 🙂 I went back and looked at your “unschooling” post. Very interesting. I think you are so brave to do that, and the experience that you are giving your children! Wonderful! I suppose that with you experience as a teacher this might come a bit easier for you than it would for others. I don’t think that I would have the discipline.
    I also want to mention that I Love the look of your blog! White daisies are my favorite flower, so when I saw the background on yours, I just swooned! Would you tell me what theme you use?
    I did’t even write an introduction on my blog, I just started posting! I did put up an About page fairly quickly though.
    Love your blog, Orthodoxmom. I’m glad that you’re here. ❤

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